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Zest Global Equity pursues long-term capital growth through investments in Equity Global Financial Markets. The fund management aims to limit risks correlated to financial markets through an integrated approach of Top-down Macro and Technical Analysis.

Tommaso Procopio manages the Zest Global Equity Fund. 

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Current NAV  
Base currency EUR
Trading and Valuation Daily
Initial investment 1.000,00 EUR
Subsequent investments 500,00 EUR
ISIN Code  
Bloomberg Ticker ZESGLER LX
Strategy Flexible
Management Fees 1.50 %
Performance Fee 10%

THE FUND: Zest Global Equity is a Flexible Equity Fund under UCITS V. The strengths of the fund are: 

- Investing in a diversified global equity portfolio
- Active risk management through systematic controls
- Management team with diversified competencies in the equities sector

THE METHODOLOGY: The combination of systematic and discretionary approaches in the first part of the investment process. In particular, econometric models and macroeconomic analyzes are used.

Following the graphic and momentum analysis aims to limit the risk of loss and at the same time to increase the opportunities for performance.

THE INSTRUMENTS: The Fund invests directly in equities or indirectly in ETF UCITS with a high level of liquidity.

Funds Documents PRIIPs KIDs

Class I

Class R

Class I USD

Legal documents of the SICAV by registration country