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Zest Dynamic Opportunities investment strategy is driven by a rigorous study of the macro-economics, market regimes and investors positioning. The final aim is to build a global bond portfolio relatively well diversified and well balanced against different market regimes. The fund encompasses a strategy based on three main drivers: capital growth, carry and risk mitigation strategies.

The fund Zest Dynamic Opportunities in managed by Matteo Meroni

fact sheet

Current NAV  
Base currency EUR
Trading and Valuation Giornaliera
Initial investment 50.000,00 EUR
Subsequent investments 1.000,00 EUR
ISIN Code  
Bloomberg Ticker ZESTGMR LX
Strategy Cross Asset Absolute Return
Management Fees 1.20 %
Performance Fee 15%
THE FUND : Zest Dynamic Opportunities Fund is a balanced bond fund, set up according to UCITS V rules, which applies a global investment strategy with a Top Down management philosophy.
THE METHODOLOGY : The fund employs a strategy targeting strong total return independent of the economic cycle. Rigorous studies of the macro-economics, market regimes and investors positioning are the main drivers behind the fund investment strategy. The fund invest only in highly liquid instruments.
The Fund investment process is based on three main drivers:
- capital growth strategies aimed at generating strong returns 
- carry strategies aimed at generating a constant and reliable return stream
- risk mitigation strategies aimed at generating substantial returns during stress environments

Funds Documents PRIIPs KIDs

Class I 

Classe R1   

Legal documents of the SICAV by registration country