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Zest Argo invests both in listed equities and bonds and it is featured by a value approach on the core basket of the portfolio with a mid-term view, meanwhile the peripheral part of the investments is managed more dynamically with an opportunistic approach driven by market timing with a short-term view.

Martino Bon gestisce il Fondo Zest Argo.

fact sheet en

Current NAV  
Base currency EUR
Trading and Valuation Daily
Initial investment 5.000,00 EUR
Subsequent investments 1.000,00 EUR
ISIN Code  
Bloomberg Ticker -
Strategy Flexible
Management Fees 1.00 %
Performance Fee 15%

THE FUND: Portfolio may be invested up to 40% in equities, focused on Western economies, mainly Europe and US, selecting shares by an initial top down approach and a subsequent bottom-up stock picking with a preference for industrial and luxury goods sectors.

THE METHODOLOGY: A quantitative and financial analysis is carried out, followed by a qualitative analysis of management and corporate governance.
The same approach is also used for selecting corporate bonds, meanwhile regarding Govies a macroeconomic and top-down study is preferred. The strategy of the fund also includes ETFs or UCITS EU harmonized funds for investments relating to emerging markets or Japan if required by the fund manager, according to macroeconomic signals.
Derivatives (futures and options) are considered too in the investment strategy as directional hedging on interest rates and equity markets. The fund had got a high single digit return target on a yearly basis, coping with a low single digit volatility.

Funds Documents

PRIIPs KIDs Class I 

PRIIPs KIDs Class R1 

PRIIPs KIDs Class R2 

Legal documents of the SICAV by registration country