Zest North America Pairs Relative looks for Investment Opportunities within the main North American Equity Financial Markets with strategies looking for relative value such as “pair trading” ones. The Long and short operations, mainly on “single stocks” and residually on the main Indexes. The overall long-term goal is to obtain returns superior to the North American Equity Market (represented by the leading US stock index) following a rigorous “stock picking” process.
Zest Mediterraneus Absolute Value is an open-end fund incorporated in Luxembourg. The Fund's objective is to seek a consistent, absolute return while placing emphasis on the preservation of capital in the long term. The Fund invests long and short primarily in liquid European equities and related instruments with a focus on Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal.
Zest Absolute Return VaR4 is a Global Macro Top Down discretionary strategy; this approach allocates investments among different asset classes (bonds, equity, commodities) long or short, with the ultimate goal of generating absolute returns, decorrelated from financial markets, constantly monitoring volatility through a careful risk monitoring process. Absolute Return Low VaR aims to achieve a return higher than the Euribor plus 1,5% per year.
Zest Derivatives Allocation aims to achieve an absolute return managing dynamically the total portfolio risk. In order to reach the performance objective the Management Team searches investment opportunities mainly in the bond and equity markets by assuming strategic, tactical and relative value positions. Special emphasis is dedicated to options strategies to reduce market risks.